I can always remember teachers telling my fellow classmates and I that not everyone learned the same. I remember being puzzled because for myself if I showed up for class, and even if I miss the odd class, I was still up to date on material if I asked for key points from someone who had attended. I can remember wanting to go out for supper on a friday night with a friend and them turning my offer down on the fact they had to study for a test the next week which I didn't understand, I just planned on reading over quizzes and looking over a chart or diagram the night before said test.
I guess for me retaining knowledge has always been something I've taken for granted. However as I got older, and more aware of those around me, it became clear how frustrating it was when school seemed to not be for you. My younger brother has extreme difficulty understanding in a normal classroom setting. He doesn't learn from reading. Infact, while he is an average reader for grade nine in regards to reading out loud from text or other book sources, he can very rarely tell you what he just read about. Through elementary teachers deemed him as lazy and simply a problem child. They didn't entertain the fact that this problem was something he couldn't control on the ground that our middle brother and I had been exceptional students who everything was straight forward to.
Unfortunately many schools are unforgiving. If you can't learn their way, that you simply have a problem. Coding is the process of assessing a single students needs which has a disability which may require extra funding and programming from a school. The student recieves a IPP (individualized program plan) to meet all their needs. This plan sets short term objectives, long term goals and assessing their progress to assist whenever possible.
My brother struggled and continues to struggle with his reading comphension because of the way his brain words. The school finally had a learning specialist in to assess my brothers learning in grade six after many visits to the proncipal from my mother and much pleading from another teacher. The specialist couldn't "code" my brother with anything specifically because he reads just fine and is operating at a math level higher than he should be, however in grade nine he now gets his exams read out loud to him and recieves one on one extra help in english from a teaching aid.
I suppose every system has its flaws, however I will somehow always have little faith in the education system in regards to the attention or lack therefore given to some students. After watching my brother so helpless, I never want that to happen to any other child. I have always felt guilty breezing through school so to speak while everything was such a task for him. That is one of the reasons I want to become a teacher.