A teacher must modify content, process and product through student readiness, interests and learning profiles.
Content: "What" and materials of learning.
Process: "Action," what the students do.
Product: What students have created.
Student Readiness: Where the student is in terms of knowledge and skills.
Interests: What is it the student has some curiosity in.
Learning Profiles: Index card about student as a learner (may include self assessment questionnaires).
This is a idea associated with Tomlinson, which revolves around the common sense that children will learn the best when enlightened with their interests and passions.
Personally I know that I am more likely to listen and ask questions about topics that I am interested in or may know something about. Especially in cases of children that have more difficulty in the classroom, it is very important to reach out to them and not necessarily change your teaching style but make amends to assist them.
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