Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Getting Your Priorities In Line

Who is to say what the most important part of a person is. Whether that be the hobbies that define them, who their friends are, or what they choose to do with their lives, everyone has their own story.

In class yesterday we talked about Erik Erikson who studied the eight stages to human development. He believed that there were eight ideal concepts that an individual must establish otherwise they will progress in life with a less desirable trait.

1. trust vs. mistrust (birth to 1 year, child will focus on love & warmth)
2. autonomy (Independence) vs. shame & doubt (1 to 2 years, a child begins to develop the idea of being their own being)
3. initiative vs. guilt (3 to 5 years, a child will begin to take ownership for himself)
4. industry vs. inferiority (elementary age, a child is extremely curious)
5. identity vs. identity confusion (adolescence)
6. intimacy vs. isolation (early adulthood, a person will search for romance & love)
7. generativity vs. stagnation (40 to 50 years, a person realizes they must leave a mark)
8. integrity vs. despair (late adulthood 60 years +, it's a time to reflect & be happy)

These concepts are cultivated through emotional and psycho-social development. Erikson focuses on the whole person, and doesn't narrow his investigation. This is what really sold me on his knowledge because it was so reasonable. His research makes sense even to the average person because you don't have to be a doctor to understand.

His concepts made me think about my priorities in life. This could consist of a broad range of things. First, my education is turning out to be my main drive lately. Once I complete this I will be able to not only work on making a difference in my life, but all my students. Secondly is my family. Since my sister is so young, only in grade two, it is difficult for me to be away from her so much because this is a really busy time in her life. There is also my boyfriend who is becoming a bigger part in my life as time goes on. All three of these priorities are really important to me so I have spent a lot of time balancing them.

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