Monday, 12 September 2011

We All Have Our Own Story

Educational Psychology is something I have taken for granted through my own personal education. There is a lot to think about before you begin to teach someone, whether it is a single person or a group.
Primarily you have to think about the fact that you may be a lot different than a certain individual. You have to think about their own experiences, preferences, learning style, ect.
With these thoughts and knowledge it proposes some interesting questions...
Our professor today asked us, "What do people think of teachers?"
For me there three different kind of teachers. There are the good ones. These teachers are the reason that I myself got interested in the route of a Bachelor of Education. They are the reason I got up in the morning, and did my homework. They made a day go by faster, and made school a better place. There are the teachers that are simply there. You don't remember them being good or bad, you still paid attention in their classes. However they never made a real impact on you or "your story." And finally, and probably most significantly, there were the bad ones. The teachers that either just didn't want to be there, or simply shouldn't have chosen the career path of teaching. I suppose they are also a big part of why I want to be a teacher. I remember dreading certain classes for what seems forever. A bad teacher can ruin a whole subject for a person.
Because of these three kinds of teachers I have vowed to always be the best I can be. That is a life goal of mine, but now is especially important given my career path.
Today in class we were also asked to "please recall and reflect upon your own life and education."
We discussed the use of effective teaching methods. This discussion for me was maybe not as helpful as the opposite, the use of ineffective teaching methods. I can remember these methods much clearer. I myself am a very flexible learner, being able to understand many methods. However for my brothers and some of my friends, it was always difficult to grasp certain lessons and concepts. I remember how some people could just never do well in certain teachers classes simply because that teacher had a set teaching style.
This has made it clear to me the true value in connecting with others, and more importantly students to make sure their needs are met. I vow to never be one of those people who truly believes, "my way or the highway" is a logical phrase to live by.
I really am enjoying the opportunity to use reflection on my past personal experiences to connect to what I am learning in this class and look forward to future classes.

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