Friday, 21 October 2011

Happiness is A Luxury

Whenever someone has asked me what I want to be in twenty years, or what I want to do with my life, I have always answered, I want to be happy.

In class 16 we watched a video by Shawn Achor debating The Science of Happiness & Potential.
He claimed that it was his understanding, those who are happy are more productive. He has conducted studies and observed this at Harvard where the smartest, most intelligent minds study everyday.
Being as I have just completed midterm week as a college student I agree with Achor. My marks were far from what I wanted, and looking back I would bet that majority of that is based on fact I was so stressed out and worried anticipating the exams. I was a puddle all week just fretting about the tests.
I think as a teacher this is hard to address because of the expectations of society. Only one of my parents went to post secondary and only one of my grand parents graduated high school. The fact is that presently we have placed such high expectations on youth that the true talent is being lost, and falling in the cracks.
Even as a teacher, in the days of Laura Ingalls Wilder, all you needed was an interest in teaching and adequate schooling (I believe she had a ninth grade education).
I believe this pressure exerted by society is doing more harm than good. Now we have high levels of depression, suicide, and various other ailments.
As Shawn Achor went on to say, "Happiness is a Necessity."

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