Monday, 3 October 2011

Heinz' Dilemma

"Heinz wife is dying. One special drug discovered by a local druggist might save her but the druggist is selling it at an exorbitant price. So Heinz, after failing to borrow the money he needs, pleads with the druggist to sell the drug cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist refuses."
In class we were proposed with this scenario and then asked what we would do in this situation and why. This is a pretty big question, as it challenges all your morals. This scenario pertains to Kohlberg's levels and stages of moral development where there are no right or wrong answers.
Reasoning is what matters in such a situation. Majority of people said they would steal the drug. They claimed that the consequences are worth it, because a human life is much more. However rather than thinking of myself as Heinz, I chose to think of it from the wife's perspective. Sure, dying and leaving my husband wouldn't be the greatest, but I wouldn't ask for my husband to steal the drug. I'm too selfish to think about him attempting the robbery, getting caught and leaving me alone. Besides that personal opinion, the drug is not even 100% effective and may not be worth the chance to obtain it. If the drug was defective I wouldn't want my husband to live with himself as a thief. I suppose I'm much too optimistic, but I just don't see the chance worth taking. I would rather focus on him spending my last days together and telling him all I wanted him to know before I passed on. I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason and that hardships will work out for the best in the end.

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