Thursday, 6 October 2011

What Good Are Morals Anymore?

In class twelve we talked more about Kohlberg's levels and stages. His ideas consist of three stages with two different counterparts.

1. Pre Conventional
a. punishment: concentrate on avoiding personal unpleasant results.
b. hedonism: moving towards external pleasant things.

2. Conventional
a. "nice girl/ nice boy": concerned about what peers think and begin to internalize.
b. law & order: reference to formal convention of criminal law.

3. Post Conventional
a. social contrast: we're all in this together, challenge what is immoral.
b. universal ethical: weighs options and consequences. This is an area with great moral thinkers, so very few people ever make it this far other than Jesus or Gandhi.

Majority of the class (including myself) find ourselves in the "nice girl/ nice boy stage." For me often my biggest concern is what those around me are thinking. I wonder what people say about me, and therefore find myself over thinking everything I do. I would like to think I'm becoming comfortable enough to move onto the next stage however I don't think that will be in the near future.

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