Monday, 17 October 2011

What Is Your Multiple Intelligence?

Traditionally the two multiple intelligences that society has valued are those of mathematics and verbal. Mathematics is straight forward covering the areas of numeracy, logic and reasoning. Verbal is the more language oriented intelligence including writing skill, fluency with language, reading and speaking.
However there are numerous other intelligences which get pushed aside so to speak. There's musical, which includes differentiating between pitches and harmonies. There's spatial which an architect would fall under in terms of imagining things in 3D. Bodily kinaethestic people are those with a true talent for athletics, dance, gymnastics and those alike.
The intelligence I most relate to is interpersonal which includes sensitivity and the talent of relating to others. There is also the opposite to that being intrapersonal which is self knowledge, understanding and the power to bring the best out in yourself. There is naturalistic scientific which is an organic connection with the world. Spiritual intelligences believe they are connected to something larger than themselves individually. There is also existential which is an extremely philosophical outlook which is non religious but once again focused on the big picture.

While is it possible to relate to more than one intelligence, as I mentioned above I see myself as a interpersonal intelligence. Ever since I was young majority of my friends would come to me with problems. I like to think my dominate features are compassion and understanding.

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